Programming - Java Reference

Section 1: Basics

Section 1 Part 1.1: System

System is the object for input and output (i/o).

public class example_print_values {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Hello World without a new line. ");

System.out.println("Hello World with a new line at the end");

System.out.printf("Hello %s", "World"); //Print with formatting(use replacements)



Sample 1.1-1:

The compile and run the program above:


java example_print_value

Hello World without a new line. Hello World with a new line at the end.

Hello World

In Sample 1.1-1, the 1st line defines the class. The filename must match the class name

public class example_print_values is a class. The public static void main(String[] args) is a function. The code inside functions and classes have to be surrounded by curly braces.

A class cannot be executed by it self. A class has to have a main method to be executed

Each statement has to be ended with a semi-colon

The main method has 1 parameter called args. It is an array of strings.

Comments are ignored by the compiler. //print with formatting(have multiple parameters) is a comment.

Section 1 Part 1.2: Scanner

A Scanner object is a way to get input from a user. It is part of the Scanner library. The library is imported before the class.

import java.util.Scanner;

You have to import it.

public class input_example{

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Enter a number: ");

Scanner numInput = new Scanner(;

double num = numInput.nextDouble();

System.out.printf("You Entered %d", num);



Sample 1.1-2: input_example

Enter a number: 59.8

You Entered 59.8 means to get input on the console.

Double is a data type. It means a number with any number of decimals and nextDouble() converts input into a double.

Scanner is a class, numInput is an object.

%d is an format. d stands for double. We used %d because num is a double.

Section 1 Part 1.3: Operators and Assignment

Operators are mathematical operations acted on one or more numbers or numerical variables

Assignments are when variables are initialized with values. Doubles, floats, longs, bytes, shorts, and integers are numbers.

public class number_example{

public static void main(String[] args) {

double a = 3.248735647390237;

int b = 1234567890;

long c = 34592034975984L;

float d = 24.235235F;

byte e = -46;

short f = 423;

boolean g = false;

char h = 'h';

String i = "Hello world";

System.out.println("Double: " + a);

System.out.println("Integer: " + b);

System.out.println("Long: " + c);

System.out.println("Float: " + d);

System.out.println("Byte: " + e);

System.out.println("Short: " + f);

System.out.println("Boolean: " + g);

System.out.println("Char: " + h);

System.out.println("String: " + i);



Sample 1.1-3:

Double: 3.423452678000000

Integer: 5784212

Long: 235857921312344

Float: 24.235235

Byte: -46

Short: 423

Boolean: false

Char: h

String: Hello World

Doubles are decimal numbers with any amount of decimals. If the number of decimals is less than 15, extra zeros are added.

Integers are whole numbers with any amount of digits.

Longs are whole numbers with 16 digits. They must have an L suffix.

Floats are decimal numbers with 6 decimals. They must have an F suffix.

Bytes are numbers with 3 or less digits.

Shorts are numbers with 5 or less digits.

Booleans are either true or false.

Char is a string with only 1 character

Strings are text.

Section 1 Part 1.4: Random

import java.util.Random;

public class random_example {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Random randomGenerator = new Random();

int randNum = randomGenerator.nextInt(10);

int randNum2 = randomGenerator.nextInt(10, 20);

double randNum3 = randomGenerator.nextDouble(10, 20);






Section 1 Part 1.5: Math

Section 1 Part 2: Arrays

Section 1 Part 3: Logical Operators

Section 1 Part 4: If Statements

Section 1 Part 5: Switch

Section 1 Part 6: Break and Continue

Section 1 Part 7: Loops

Section 2
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